4 November 2014
The decoration's recovery of side walls is over

The restoration works of wonderful Hall of Frescoes of Almo Collegio Borromeo were been recently completed by REA.

During the months of August and September, taking advantage of the period during which the main hall is less frequented by students and the impact on the many events hosted by the Hall of Frescoes is lower, we were able to carry out and complete the restoration of the entire range of geometric decorations that run along the lower part of the side walls of the great hall with frescoes situated at the main floor of the east side of the Collegio, called 'Richini' for its stunning views of the seventeenth-century garden designed by Francesco Maria Richini.

The restoration and renovation, of course, agreed and authorized by the Superintendence for Architectural Heritage, have brought to light the entire decoration that runs parallel to doors and windows, giving back to the room the continuity of its decoration. Before the restoration, in fact, it was extremely difficult to perceive the decorative theme, but now it appears clearly in its entirety, showing his bright colors in its geometric part and its delicacy on the faces (each one different from the others) painted on green background at each change of direction of the band decorated.

In spite of the difficulties encountered during the works, the restoration has been completed guaranteeing the highest quality at same times and costs initially agreed, always with the aim to give the hall back to public use as soon as possible, and however before the events and activities usually planned for that period, so that from now everyone can already test the quality of the restoration works and admire the decorations in its entirety and ancient splendor.

Almost entirety, because on closer inspection, the recovery of the upper part of the decoration on the side walls is yet missing. Anyway, in our usual positivity of approach, we hope that we will soon be able to bring back to former splendor even the high-end decoration for seeing the decoration of the Hall of Frescoes really completed.


Sarah Giuseppetti

Development of the restoration work on a single element - REA - Restauro E Arte
Decoration after pictorical retouching - REA - Restauro E Arte
Removing of superfetations with precision lacet - REA - Restauro E Arte
Pictorical retouching works - REA - Restauro E Arte