3 July 2014
Back to old times
We completed the restoration work in the Church of SS. Sacramento to Garlasco, next to Pavia, which began in the fall of last year. For the occasion, a beautiful evening of celebration with the Chorus of Garlasco, punctuated by moments of the history of the Church, which dates back to the first half of the seventeenth century. 

Here REA has made an intervention of complete replacement of the plasters, up to a height of two meters from the ground, with breathable-macroporous plasters, made ​​from natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5. 
The building had indeed strong moisture problems, both for the presence water and for the use in past years of incompatible materials such as cement.

After the painting, made ​​by Company Moretti of Pavia, the church has come back to life and definitely cleaned by the sense of damp and mold that were oppressing before the restoration.

The vault
the vault