San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte

San Felice - Pavia University

The Monastery of San Felice was one of the main Benedictine monasteries of Pavia, founded by Longbards and then suppressed in the eighteenth century.

The first evidence of this monastery is in 760, when the Lombard king Desiderius and his wife, Queen Ansa, assigned under the jurisdiction of Santa Giulia in Brescia. It had the title of Abbey, and the abbess was initially insigned initially by the Bishop of Novara, later gained full autonomy.

Like the other great monasteries in Pavia, was generously granted by kings and emperors: Otto III, Henry III, Henry II, Conrad II and had vast possessions in the territory of Pavia and surroundings.
Was suppressed in 1785 and initially used as an orphanage. It currently houses the Faculty of Economics of the University of Pavia. The remains of the ancient monastery are the cloister and the church of San Felice, who has an ancient crypt of IX-X centuries, with traces of frescoes and three marble tombs of the Byzantine stylecontaining the relics of saints.

The restoration work carried out by REA concerned the recovery of the frescoes in the main church, decorated with faux marble (sixteenth century). A second project involves frescoes of the sixteenth century cloister, a pilot work that wants to be the beginning of the possible recovery of the entire cycle of frescoes, highly degraded due to exposure to the elements.

San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte
San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte
San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte
San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte
San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte
San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte
San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte
San Felice - Pavia University - REA - Restauro e Arte