Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte

Carmine Church - Pavia

Saint Mary of Mount Carmel is one of the largest churches in Pavia and one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Lombardy. It was begun in 1374 at the behest of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, following a design attributed to Bernardo da Venezia. Its construction proceeded slowly and was resumed in 1432 but completed only in 1461. It was restored between 2006 and 2010.

The gabled slender shape of the impressive facade does not hide its inspiration to the Romanesque architecture, but the decorations are undoubtedly placeable in Lombard Gothic. The interior, suggestive and characterized by a mystical twilight, stands on a Latin cross plan and it is composed of three naves, with numerous side chapels, rich in frescoes and paintings. 

Behind facade is a precious fresco with Holy Virgin and Son, from the fifteenth-century period, which is traditionally said to be miracoulous. On the opposide side is a second cycle of frescoes telling the stories of the miracles performed by the painting of the Virgin, including the rescue of a boat overturned on the Ticino River and the healing of the old lady. At the top is a fresco with Mount Carmelo and its monks.

The paintings were restored by REA in 2007-2008, part of a larger restoration project that included the reorganization of all the whole inner part of the church. The intervention was complex due to the fact that many portions of the frescoes were repainted later date: in accordance with the Superintendent it was decided the complete removal of remakes and the recover of the extraordinary color values ​​and the refined original design .

Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte
Carmine Church - Pavia - REA - Restauro e Arte