Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte

Decorations in a historical building

Decoration work to complete an interrupted work, partially missing, in an ancient house in the old town of Bobbio, Piacenza. 

After consolidating the original design, by acting on the parts where there were cracks and fissures, by customer request we decided to integrate it. To finish decoration it was necessary to draw on sheets of tracing paper (what we call "spolvero") and fix it directly on the surfaces thorugh the technique of dusting, and then proceed to the painting. Around the "rosettes" and decorative motifs were more major bands painted with the stencil technique,  also completed. 

We used natural pigments in "lime milk", old lime kept in water for long period, and nothing artificial, as from the old traditional painters.

Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte
Decorations in a historical building - REA - Restauro e Arte